Valid: 2022 / 2023

Red Deer

Hunting period: from 1st September to 31st January

Trophy sizeEUREUR / 10 g
Up to 1,99 kg350 
From 2,00 kg to 2,99 kg600 
From 3,00 kg to 3,99 kg800 
From 4,00 kg to 4,99 kg970 
5,00 kg970+6
6,00 kg1.570+7
7,00 kg2.270+10,0
8,00 kg3.270+12,0
9,00 kg4.470+18,0
10,00 kg6.270+30,0
10,50 kg7.770+40,0
From 11,00 kg9.770+55,0

• The trophy is measure 24 hours after preparation (boiling) starts including large whole skull and upper dentils.
• Wounding: 50% of the full price based on estimated trophy size.
• Beak bull: 150.- EUR hunting period: 1st September to 31st January
• Female deer: 120.-EUR hunting period: 1st September to 31st January
• Deer calf: 75.- EUR hunting period: 1st September to 31st January
• Personal guide: 15 EUR /hunter/occasion
• From 15th of October we give you 15% of discount on any trophies smaller than 8kg.

Roe Deer

Hunting period: 15th April to 30th September

Trophy sizeEUREUR / g
Up to 149 g100.- 
150 - 199 g130.- 
200 - 249 g180.- 
250 - 299 g250.- 
300 g250.-+4,0
350 g450.-+8,0
400 g850.-+12,0
450 g1.450.-+20,0
From 500 g2.450-+30,0

• The trophy is measure 24 hours after preparation (boiling) starts including small sectioned skull (nasal septum, forehead,nasal bone) or alternatively as a special request it can be measured as whole skull in case the guest hunter has to accept the estimated weight determined by the measuring authority
• Wounding: 50% of the full price based on estimated trophy size
• Doe and calf: 40.- EUR (hunting period: 1st October to 28th February)
• Personal guide: 15 EUR /hunter/occasion

Wild Boar (private hunting session)

Hunting period: whole year

Tusk sizeEUR
Up to 11, 99 cm300.-
12,00 – 13,99 cm400.-
14,00 – 15,99 cm600.-
16,00 – 17,99 cm800.-
18,00 – 19,99 cm1.100.-
From 20,00 cm1.500.-

• For the tusk length calculation we measure the average of booth lower jaw tusk measured on the outer arch.
• In the case of an old male with only 1 lower tusk or broken peace, which results a less than 12cm average length you have to pay after the minimum of 12cm
• Sow (From 51 kg eviscerated) 300.- EUR
(Sebzés: 50%)
• Gilts (21-50 kg eviscerated) 150.- EUR
• Wounding: 75.- EUR
• Piglet (Up to 21 kg eviscerated) 75.- EUR
• Wounding: 40.- EUR

• Personal guide: 15 EUR /hunter/occasion

Herding hunting 1 day


Species available for hunting: wild boar, red and fallow deer without quantity restriction

Accomodation at the hunting lodge (with dinner)

Price includes the game shooting price, accomodation and food, participants and crew plus 4x4 transportation.

terítékEUR / Fő
< 10 pieces350.-
11-20 pieces450.-
21-30 pieces500.-
31–40 pieces550.-
41-50 pieces600.-
51-60 pieces650.-
61-70 pieces700.-
71 < pieces750.-

• Wild boar, dams and geese in total on 1 hunting day.

Other services


 EUR / Fő
4x4 per vehicle1.-/km

Trophy measurement and boiling


 EUR / Fő
Red deer35.-
Roe deer, wild boar20.-

Accomodation and food


accomodation on the hunting premise per day per personEUR
2 bed room40.-
lunch or dinner18.-
full service45.-

Hunting Permit


monthly fee100.-
yearly fee1000.-
assistance and organization of the permit50.-


Important Informations


  • At Hungary you will be required to hold a valid hunting license and a valid permit plus a corresponding insurance policy
  • Our hunting guests should accept the rules and regulations included in the contract regarding the trophy weight and size differences +/- 15% except for wild boar.
  • After the hunting session you have to sign the shooting record in which it includes all the fallen game and all the services where provided to you personally . We would like to highlight that your signature will stand as proof for the accuracy of all data provided. We can not fulfil any requests later on. Any complain you should mention and include in the shooting recorde.
  • Your invoice will be accounted in HUF (hungarian forint) For exchange conversion we will determine the Hungarian National Bank rates on the last day of your hunting period. We only accept cash or bank wire transfer